Infrared Self-Portrait
The weather has been pretty awful all week. I am usually checking the weather every day, in order to ensure I get a bike ride in between any showers, so I am mindful of its unpredictable nature. It is always nice when there is an hour of sun which is unexpected and not as forecast. So I decided to have another go at infrared portraits, with myself, my husband and the cat. Playing around with the settings it was very hard to keep still for a length of time and I found I struggled with anything around 30 seconds. It made me appreciate how difficult it was for Victorian photographers and why the sitters needed a brace to keep still. It was trying not to blink which was more of a problem, particularly as I was almost having to stare right into the sun. I managed a self-portrait which I have used under my 'Author' page as I was quite pleased with the way it turned out, however, there is a lot of motion blur when it is enlarged 100% so it is useless for anything printed or large, but fine for a small and insignificant blog image.